These 5 foods protect asthma patients from an asthma attack

People who are suffering from Ashama should try some home remedies with eating their regular medicines in the cold season. This will help in reducing the chances of asthma symptoms and attacks of Ashrama. Asthma is a lung disease that causes the airways of the lungs to contract. This causes very difficulty in breathing. The problem of asthma increases to a great extent in the cold season. In such a situation, people suffering from asthma should take care of themselves very carefully. This will reduce your chances of having asthma symptoms and an asthma attack. Here is the list of some useful foods easily available at home that will help in reducing asthma attack and symptoms


Amla is a very useful tonic for the patient of asthma. Add one tablespoon of honey to three tablespoons of amla juice and mix it well and consume it daily in the morning.



Garlic helps in reducing the symptoms in the early stage of asthma. Put a few slices of garlic in a glass of milk and boil it well. Drink this drink once a day.



Ginger relaxes the respiratory system. Add a small spoon of ginger juice to a cup of water and mix some fenugreek seeds in it. Add honey to it and consume it twice a day.



Honey helps in removing mucus from the respiratory tract. Add one tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water and consume it twice a day. This helps in breathing well. You can also boil milk with turmeric and add honey to it and drink it.


Bananas is the natural remedy for asthma patients it is very useful in improving the lungs function it is the rich source of potassium and lots of antioxidants potassium and antioxidants which are helpful in improving lung functions.

Three Ways to improve Immunity in Winter Season

Winter is the season of Sweaters and a hot cup of tea. It is the time for vacation for snowfall lovers. It’s the season of joy and fun. However, this is the time of many diseases also. This is the time when you are at a higher risk of suffering from contagious diseases such as flu and cold. As per Ayurveda, winter is also the time when you can boost your immune system provided you include some winter super-foods in your diet. So, in this blog, we list some of the easy and effective ways to boost your immunity Amongst all the good things winter brings, unfortunately, it also brings viral infections and common cold and fever. Since we suffer a heavy loss during winters, you become more susceptible to catching an infection. But instead of hoping to not fall sick and relying on medicines, you may follow these ways to improve immunity this winter season and see the benefits for yourself.

1 Drink a lot of Herb Tea

Herb tea to boost your immune system

Winter is the time when we love to drink lots of cups of tea and coffee if you want to boost your immunity, include a lot of herb tea in your diet. Green tea and chamomile help to boost the immune system as these are loaded with powerful anti-oxidants.

2 Stay hydrated

We don’t like to drink much water in this chilling cold. But it is very important to stay hydrated during winter season Water flushes out the toxins from our body and can also improve blood circulation. Thus, to not get dehydrated and to improve your immunity drink loads of water during winters as well. To enhance the taste of it, add a slice of lime or apple or any fruit that you like and make your own flavored water.

3 Include Whole Foods in your Diet

Your immune system requires a lot of nutrients such as Vitamin A, C, D, and E and zinc, iron, magnesium to support your immune system. you need to focus on eating whole foods such as whole grains, nuts, and seeds. You need to include some important superfoods in your diet such as mushrooms to give your immune system extra power. Make sure that you must wash the foods before eating to stay far from diseases. To Know more visit:

Thyroid Function Test (T3, T4, TSH ) – Hypothyroidism / Hyperthyroidism

A small butterfly-shaped gland located in the lower front part of the neck is known as the thyroid gland. It produces two hormones – thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) responsible to regulate metabolism.
Thyroid Function test is the blood test used to measure the function of thyroid gland. It helps in diagnosing and treating thyroid disorders.

Hypothyroidism – Not enough hormones are produced resulting in – weight gain, weakness, mood swings etc.
Hyperthyroidism – Excess hormones are produced resulting in – weight loss, anxiety etc.

Synthetic thyroid hormones are used to treat hyperthyroidism/hypothyroidism. It is simple, safe and effective if taken in the right dose.
Thyroid Function test is asked by Doctors for finding the right dose.

To book Thyroid Function test in Delhi / NCR at the comfort of your home click here.

Liver Function Test

The liver is the powerhouse of the body. It is the largest solid organ of the body. It performs a spate of bodily function – digestion of food (breaking down the substances), getting rid of toxic substances, storing minerals and vitamins, producing useful proteins, enzymes etc, regulating blood clotting. Symptoms of an unhealthy Liver are many – weakness, weight loss, loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal pain, itchy skin etc.

Prevention – alcohol in moderation, get vaccinated, use medication wisely to minimize side effects, weight control etc.

A set of parameters – proteins, enzymes, substances etc which helps in understanding the status of the liver is called Liver Function test (LFT). Each parameter – Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), Total protein, Bilirubin and Gamma Glutamyltransferase (GGT) has its own significance and helps to understand some aspect related to liver function. Based on the findings of the LFT test proper measurements can be taken. Liver function test thought simple is very important.

Blood samples can be taken at the comfort of one’s home at a convenient time and reports are shared, – to book an appointment for blood sampling for LFT click here.

Lipid (Cholesterol) Profile

Lipid (Cholesterol) Profile is a panel of blood test used to screen level of cholesterol (good/bad) in the blood. Cholesterol is kind of fat which in moderation is good but is bad if in excess. Bad Cholesterol (Fat) can clog arteries developing heart disease. Good Cholesterol protects from heart disease.
One should get cholesterol levels checked regularly to avoid any late surprises. Early detection can be tackled by modifying lifestyle or by medication (as advised by the Doctors).

Types of Lipids / Cholesterols
1) Total Cholesterol – the total amount of cholesterol
2) LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) – Bad Cholesterol.
3) HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) – Good Cholesterol.
4) Triglycerides – Excess calories stored in fat cells.

Steps to improve / lower Blood Cholesterol
1) Avoid smoking
2) Avoid junk food (high fat / high sodium).
3) Having a balanced diet (vegetable, whole grain, low-fat milk (and products))
4) Regular work-out

An elevated level of cholesterol is manageable if one is keeping a tab on the level and is taking steps in the right direction (better lifestyle/medication).

Book a lipid/cholesterol profile