Five Food that Keeps you Healthy and Warm During Winter

You cannot fight the icy cold with just blazers and blankets. Food plays a vital role in keeping us warm and healthy during the winter season. A healthy diet helps to cure lots of diseases. So here we are providing the list of food one should eat during the winter season to keep you warm.


It is healthier than sugar as it does not contain many chemicals as compared to sugar. Jaggery helps our body to keep warm. It can be consumed with milk, curd or as a substitution for sugar. It contains large number of vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, etc. Jaggery cures cough cold asthma naturally and improves our digestion. It generate enough heat in our body and keeping our body warm Inside.


Honey is very useful in the winter season it is considered warm and it helps us to keep healthy in the winter season, it is the major ingredient in many ayurvedic medicines as it contains invert sugar so this sugar can be digested easily by our body. It contains antigens that help to boost our immunity. Sore throat, cough, cold and respiratory tract infections are some problems that are very common in winter season Drinking tea or warm lemon water with honey is a time-honored way to soothe a sore throat.


It is easily available in our kitchen. It is not just a spice as it has lots of medical properties. It contains lots of antioxidants that help us to build a strong resistance against many diseases. It is recommended to take in daily in the winter season. It helps us to fight against the flu and the common cold. It is also useful in fever and loss of appetite


Eggs are in huge demand in winters. They are the rich source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. It contains disease-fighting nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin. It helps our body to fight with winters and keep our body warm and healthy


It is one of the most important herbs in the winter season. It fights with the bacterial and viral infection and it gives strength to our immune system. It helps us to fight cold borne diseases such as cough cold. Pneumonia. It is a natural antiseptic.


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