Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium in the body. Vitamin D is needed for other important body functions too. Deficiency of Vitamin D can cause bone fragility, depression, weight gain, heart ailments etc. Bone Pain, Back Pain, depression, exhaustion, hair loss, weight gain , muscle pain etc can by symptom of Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D helps in bettering the immune system and neuron muscular system too. When the skin is exposed to sunlight, our body itself produces Vitamin D.
Vitamin D deficiency to an extent can be improved by taking Vitamin D supplements. It is reasonably safe if taken in appropriate doses. However, too much of D supplement can be harmful too. The best source of Vitamin D is sunlight.
How does one know if he is vitamin D deficient?
Vitamin D level in the blood can be easily found out by a simple blood test. Blood sample can be collected from home at a convenient time and reports are shared. Technology for vitamin D testing is pretty affordable too.
To book a test for Vitamin D – Click here