Lipid (Cholesterol) Profile

Lipid (Cholesterol) Profile is a panel of blood test used to screen level of cholesterol (good/bad) in the blood. Cholesterol is kind of fat which in moderation is good but is bad if in excess. Bad Cholesterol (Fat) can clog arteries developing heart disease. Good Cholesterol protects from heart disease.
One should get cholesterol levels checked regularly to avoid any late surprises. Early detection can be tackled by modifying lifestyle or by medication (as advised by the Doctors).

Types of Lipids / Cholesterols
1) Total Cholesterol – the total amount of cholesterol
2) LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) – Bad Cholesterol.
3) HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) – Good Cholesterol.
4) Triglycerides – Excess calories stored in fat cells.

Steps to improve / lower Blood Cholesterol
1) Avoid smoking
2) Avoid junk food (high fat / high sodium).
3) Having a balanced diet (vegetable, whole grain, low-fat milk (and products))
4) Regular work-out

An elevated level of cholesterol is manageable if one is keeping a tab on the level and is taking steps in the right direction (better lifestyle/medication).

Book a lipid/cholesterol profile

Kidney Function Test

Kidneys are bean shaped organs responsible for filtering the blood and regulating the fluid balance in the body. They maintain the normal pH lever and water balance in the body. Blood in the body circulates through the kidney. Waste gets removed as urine. Nephrons are tiny filters found in kidney. There are no obvious symptoms of kidney problem even if 10% of kidneys are working.
There are a group of test (Kidney Function Test) conducted to understand how well the kidneys are working.
Blood Urea Nitrogen / Urea – Amount of urea present in the blood. Higher amount of urea present can be a symptom of some issue with kidney function.
Uric Acid – Level of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is removed from the body through urine. Higher amount of uric acid is an indicator of improper kidney function.
Creatinine – Level of Creatinine in the blood. Creatinine too is a waste product. Higher level of Creatinine indicates kidney problem.

Simple blood test can be done to get the various parameters of kindey function test. Results are to be correlated with clinical conditions. Keeping a tab on these parameters are very useful to measure and understand the functioning of the kidney. Altered values can raise alarm and corrective steps can be taken.

These days – Kidney Function test is quite affordable and sampling can be done from the comfort of one’s home at one’s convenient time.

To book a test in Delhi NCR, please let us know.

Importance of Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium in the body. Vitamin D is needed for other important body functions too. Deficiency of Vitamin D can cause bone fragility, depression, weight gain, heart ailments etc. Bone Pain, Back Pain, depression, exhaustion, hair loss, weight gain , muscle pain etc can by symptom of Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D helps in bettering the immune system and neuron muscular system too. When the skin is exposed to sunlight, our body itself produces Vitamin D.
Vitamin D deficiency to an extent can be improved by taking Vitamin D supplements. It is reasonably safe if taken in appropriate doses. However, too much of D supplement can be harmful too. The best source of Vitamin D is sunlight.
How does one know if he is vitamin D deficient?
Vitamin D level in the blood can be easily found out by a simple blood test. Blood sample can be collected from home at a convenient time and reports are shared. Technology for vitamin D testing is pretty affordable too.

To book a test for Vitamin D – Click here

Small steps to take care of Heart

Heart pumps blood providing oxygen to all the parts of the body. Strong and healthy heart is the key of happy and healthy living. There are small but useful steps which strengthen the heart. Smoking is not good for body and must be curtailed for a healthy living. Alcohol if taken should be taken in moderation. Activity – any physical activity – brisk walk, cycling, working out , yoga is very useful for heart and body. It strengthens the heart. Healthy and balanced diet with fibers is the key for good heart. Saturated/ trans fats increases the level of bad cholesterol in the body and can clog the arteries. Excess intake of salt may cause variation in blood pressure and must be curtailed. Sleeping a sound sleep as per one’s body requirement is very important. Diabetic and people with genetic issue should take extra care. One must get regular test to keep a tab on vital health parameters. Sugar, Lipid (cholesterol) etc.

Importance of Balanced Diet

You are what you eat. Human body needs nutrients to function properly. Balanced diet provides all the essential nutrients to the body. Poor diet can hinder growth or can entail into obesity and other ailments. Micro-nutrients- Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are needed in large amounts. Micro-nutrients – Vitamins and Minerals are required in small amounts.
Balanced diet has for basic food groups :

  • Cereals, grains, pulses
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Milk / dairy products
  • Fats

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health. Regular workout and balanced diets are two pillars of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle reduces the odds of falling ill. Variety in food adds spice and taste to life and is equally important for balanced diet. There must be a balance between number of calories one takes (IN) and number of calories one burns by physical activities (OUT). It is also important to keep a tab on the levels of vitamins, minerals etc. in one’s body. There are simple and affordable blood tests to check these vital parameters – vitamin D, vitamin B12, Calcium, Iron, and Electrolytes etc.